Quick Start
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum dignissimos eos, dicta autem incidunt qui quisquam reiciendis fuga aperiam nesciunt sequi natus ipsa possimus labore dolorem maiores dolore ducimus mollitia ea tempora est necessitatibus. Qui tempora delectus eveniet expedita, minima laborum veritatis! At tenetur magni ratione modi voluptatibus iste quis explicabo harum architecto distinctio aut consequatur, possimus, mollitia error veniam?
Environment Setup
To use our build system and run our documentation locally, you’ll need a copy of Tabler’s source files. Follow the steps below:
install package dependecies via yarn or npm
In the comand line run gulp
open in http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
Any change in /src directory will build the aplication and refresh the page
Folder Structure
├── Relick ├── dist ├── assets ├── css ├── fonts ├── images ├── js ├── docs ├── content.html ├── index.html ├── started.html ├── accordion.html ├── alerts.html ├── badge.html ├── banner.html ├── billing.html ├── blank-page.html ├── button.html ├── checkbox.html ├── component-card.html ├── button.html ├── checkbox.html ├── component-card.html ├── component-table.html ├── component-widget.html ├── documentation-started.html ├── faq.html ├── file-manager-new.html ├── file-manager.html ├── file.html ├── form-elements.html ├── full-calendar.html ├── index.html ├── input.html ├── invoice-detail.html ├── invoice.html ├── kanban-board.html ├── login.html ├── pagination.html ├── presentation.html ├── pricing-plans.html ├── profile.html ├── radio.html ├── registration.html ├── setting.html ├── sitemap.html ├── styleguide.html ├── switch.html |── ti-calendar.html